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Multi-spray system for the machinery spaces
Air supply:
An outbreak of fire requires a source of ignition, the presence of combustible
material and ample oxygen. Of the three factors, oxygen is provided in large
quantities in machinery spaces, accommodation, dry cargo holds and tanker
pumprooms by ventilation fans. Air supply trunkings are not only a source for
a supply of oxygen to feed the fire but also have potential for carrying smoke
from one area to another.
Emergency stops must be fitted so that ventilation
fans can be stopped from a position external to the space served. Trunkings are
provided with flaps which can be used to isolate various areas as necessary.
Provision should be made so that all openings which could admit air can be
closed off from a safe position external to the space or from the deck.
Multi-spray system for the machinery spaces
This system is similar to the sprinkler used in accommodation areas but the
spray heads are not operated automatically. The section control valves (Figure
14.20) are opened by hand to supply water to the heads in one or more areas.
Ready to use hoses can also be supplied. Fresh water is used for the initial
charging and the system is brought to working pressure by means of the
compressed air connection. The air bottle provides a cushion and prevents
cut-in of the pump due to any slight leakage of the water. The pump is
automatically operated by pressure drop in the system when the control valve
to one section is opened.
The pump must have either an independent drive or an electric motor with a
supply via the emergency generator switchboard. It must be able to maintain
working pressure when supplying all the sections simultaneously in one
compartment. It is installed outside the compartment it serves.
Spray nozzles are designed to give the correct droplet size for fires in
flammable liquids such as fuels and lubricating oils, when working at the correct
pressure. They are located so as to give adequate water distribution over the
tank top and all fire risk areas.

Figure 14.20 Multi-spray and drencher system (R, C, Dean)
Water spray is a potentially good fire-fighting medium because
(a) it produces a large quantity of steam which has a smothering action;
(b) in producing the steam, a large amount of heat is required (latent heat) and
this gives a cooling effect;
(c) the spray will protect personnel in the compartment;
(d) water is readily available.
Corrosion of the system is minimized by keeping it charged with fresh water.
After operation, the pipework is drained of salt water and refilled with fresh
water after washing through. Damage to any electrical equipment by the salt
water is dealt with by washing with hot fresh water before drying out. The
multi-spray, sprinkler or drencher systems, can be connected through a cross
connection which is normally locked shut. A car deck drencher system is
included in the sketch.
Summarized below general cargo ship fire protection equipments & guideline:
- Fire main system & related mechanism
The fire main
extends to the full length of the ship and from the machinery spaces to the
highest levels. Hydrants served by the main, are situated so that with suitable
hoses any area on the ship can be reached.
- CO2 fire extinguishing installation
Fire extinguishing installations employing CO2 stored under pressure at
ambient temperature are extensively used to protect ships' cargo compartments,
boiler rooms and machinery spaces. When released the CO2 is distributed
throughout the compartment, so diminishing the relative oxygen content and
rendering the atmosphere inert.
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- Fire fighting equipments
Two independently powered pumps must be provided in all cargo ships of 1000 tons gross and over and in passenger ships of less than 4000 tons gross. Larger passenger vessels and passenger ferries must have three such pumps. The pumps are fitted with non-return valves if they are of the centrifugal type, to prevent loss of water back through open valves when not running.
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- Details of fire detectors
A variety of devices are available for detecting fire in unmanned machinery
spaces but each has an ability to detect basically only one aspect. Thus, smoke
detectors based on the ionization chamber are able to recognize combustion
products but will not register radiation from a flame or heat.
- Machinery space fire & use of Walter Kidde CO2 system
Walter Kidde CO2 system employs pilot
CO2 cylinders to open the distribution system main stop valve and
subsequently the valves on the individual CO2 cylinders.
- Fire protection system for cargo holds
Holds for general cargo, have been protected against fire by fixed installations which deliver inert gas from an inert gas generator based on combustion of fuel (similar to the system available for inerting oil tankers) and halon systems.
- Low pressure CO2 storage
In some installations, the CO2 is stored in low pressure refrigerated tanks. The
cylindrical storage vessels are fabricated to the pressure vessel
requirements of the authorities. The tanks are of low temperature steel, fully
tested and stress relieved. They are mounted on supports designed to
withstand shock from collision.
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- Halon system
Halon 1301 has the chemical formula CF3 Br being known as bromo-trifluoromethane.
It is a colourless, odourless gas with a density five times that of air and
extinguishes fire by breaking the combustion chain reaction.
- Multi-spray system for the machinery spaces
This system is similar to the sprinkler used in accommodation areas but the spray heads are not operated automatically. The section control valves (Figure 14.20) are opened by hand to supply water to the heads in one or more areas. Ready to use hoses can also be supplied. Fresh water is used for the initial charging and the system is brought to working pressure by means of the compressed air connection.
- Automatic sprinkler system
A network of
sprinkler heads is arranged throughout the spaces to be protected. Each sprinkler head is normally kept closed by a quartzoid bulb which is almost filled with a liquid having a high expansion ratio.
- Details various portable extinguishers & how to use ?
The first line of defence against fire in any area of the ship, is the portable fire extinguisher. Some common portable extinguishers that have been used at sea are described.
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